Today, I went toaster shopping since my old one broke, I saw two on sale toasters, one ordinary toaster and one children's toaster that imprints the Batman logo onto the bread. I'm satisfied with my purchase, I now make Batman bread constantly. MLIA.
Today I woke up early, remembered it was Sunday, and gratefully went back to sleep. Then the alarm went off. It's Wednesday. MLIA
Today, my little sister told me what she wanted to be for halloween. Her friends are all dressing up as princesses and fairies. She wants to be a roll of salmon sushi. I begin making her costume tomorrow. MLIA.
i sware to god, i spend more then 3 hours on it every day.
don't judge me. (;
questionable questions
- barnes and noble
- movie
- sleepover
- friends
- computer
today i just felt like browsing at some halloweenie costumes. here are some ADORABLE ones. (:

wondering wondering wondering
haha, idk why I said that.
it's just a thing between my bestiess. (:
anywhoo, last weekend I went to my friend aja's birthday party. it was fun :). the whole theme of the party was "improv" like acting. we played all of these fun improv games, like this one where you have to annoy someone on a bench with out touching them till you get off. i likedd that one. (:
there, we met a lot new friendss, sophie and rachel. the good thing is that sophie lives only 8 houses away from my dad's house, so we are pretty close.
might have a sleepover this weekend with sophieee. yay, sleepovers. there the bestt. (:> 'if you haven't noticed, my smiley face has a hatt (:'.
omg, my friend told me about this concert series, called Bamboozle. and i REALLY want to go. (: some of my favorite bands (nevershoutnever, all time low...) are in it. gosh, i would seriously DIE for those tickets.
not so original,
Awesomee. (;
I hope you have a wonderful Saturday. x)
Introducing The (Not So) Short Story.
I have been really busy, as I said, school. But, this weekend I took another spectacular trip down to Woodstock. And amazingly, I got the 2nd vintage camera in my collection. Yes, I collect vintage cameras, just started, so I don't have that many. But the one that I just got is a vintage Argus c-four camera that was HUGE in the 60's. And I absolutely lovee it. (;
Peace...Out. (;
Hangingg. (:
Sorry I haven't posted lately, just pretty busy.
Here are a couple of awesomee things I have done this week. (:
- Had a sleepover (on my new hammock) with my bestiee Olivia.
- Visited my friends (that live 1 hour away) Gianna and Anthony. (:
- Had a little barbaquee.
Well, right now i'm just hanging out with Gracie and Olivia. We just came back from walking around Hoboken. We went to the new Edible Arrangements store and got Strawberry Smoothies :). The lady that made us the Smoothies was so nice! She gave us free whipped cream and chocolate strawberrys! Thank god for small miracles. (:
Got To Go!
Claire. (:
Lazy Summer Days, Can't Wait Till School. (:
Sort Of.
As I said in the last post, Woodstock was good. But, one thing that I forgot to mention, was that I went school shopping :). I got some pretty awesome stuff...
- Neon pink nail polish from Hot Topic. ( I know I didn't need that, but why not?).
- Awesome Jeans from Good Will (Only $3!)
- An Striped Polyester Sweater that is to diee for at Marshalls ($7).
- 2 Pairs of jeans at Old Navy ($10 eachh.)
- (Last but not least) A Juicy Couture Sweater at the Good Will (Only $5!!!).
Omg, there is this book called the Vampire Diaries, and they are making it into a T.V. show!
A must read, and see!
Tonight is a concert on the water front, (I think a blue grass band) so i'll be going to my fathers house...
Till heaven. (;
Yeah, I want to go back to school. Well, the weather has been amazingg. So my father have decided to take us to Woodstock to see my grandmother that has cancer. She's doing good. Woodstock hasn't changed. But we did go to this really awesome flea market, they had this really cool vintage camera. I was going to get it, but I didn't have enough money and the stupid lady decided not to lower the price.
Sorry for the short post,but breakfast is here.
Summer Has Gone By So Fast. (:
Wow, 2 weeks till my first year of junior high. I'm excited about going to school, I don't know why, but I love school. Here, all I really do is chat with my friends, go on the computer, and do chores. Bleh. To celebrate Back To School, I made this set on Polyvore!
Crazy Summer Nights...

Wow, So Original. (:
Wow, Fire Island was amazing! This year, we stayed at Ocean Beach. And, as people call it, "The Party Town" because there is a few bars. (: Anywhoo, We Stayed At This Lovely 3 Bedroom (1 Bathroom l:) house for a week. It was the perfect size for my family! My Mom and Her boyfriend stayed in one room, Alexis and I stayed in the other, and my friend Harry stayed in the other room. We were thinking about inviting Olivia and her family to come down, but they couldn't make it ;(. So it was just Harry, Alexis, And I free to do what ever we want, for a whole week. One of my favorite things to do was to go to the town! The town had a ton of little boutiques, a awesome candy store, souvenir stores, and bars. But the best thing about fire island, is that you get to walk around with no shoes on. (:
When Harry came to Fire Island, he forgot his bathing suit. So wanna hear my magical story? Well, we went into one of the little boutiques to try to find a bathing suit for him...but everything there was REALLY over-priced. But, if he didn't get a bathing suit, he would spend the whole week there without going into the ocean...so he chose to buy the bathing suit. Price = $68.32. Yeah I Know...
Remember that awesome candy store that I told you that was awesome? Well, Harry decided to
take a chance, and eat a chocolate covered cricket there! It was so weird because when he was eating it, he told us it tastes like a crunch barr. :P
You know how my sister Alexis is into making a lot of crafts? Well, she collected all of her crafts that she have made in the Winter, and sold them. Guess what? Alexis made $134.75. And since I helped her out with everything, I got $15.00 and a soft serve icecream. (:
Well, I g2g.
I'll try to make another post soon. (:
Shoping, All A Girl Needs In Life. (:
What's Cracking?
Okay, That Was Odd.
Moving On. (:
Wow, August Came By Surprise and Bit Me In The Butt. Well, Seeing Azriel Was Actually Fun. Well, I Didn't Think Different :). The Party Was Really Fun, Everyone Came, But Azriel Invited One "Special" Person, But I Think He Was To Scared To Come. (:
The Next Day, Azriel, Alexis, Olivia, And I All Went To NYC To Spend The Day There! We Went To Olivia's Dad Store (I Forgot What It Was Called) And We Did Something That Was Hilarious! We Put On His Stores Clothes, And We Stood In The Windows And Modeled Them! It Was So Funny Because People In Cars Were Taking Pictures Of Us With Their iPhones (:. After That We Went To Some Stores Which Included Layla Row, Rickys (Pictured Below), And This Cool Skateboarding Shop (For Olivia's Brother).

Rickys Is A Really Awesome Store, But Some Of The Things There Are Very "Interesting", If You Know What I Mean. (: Anywhoo At Layla Row, They Were Having This Awesome Sale, So I Bought This Really Cute Black Spring Beret, And Awesome ($6) Avaitor Shades. About 2 Hours After That, We Started To Head Back Home. And It Was So Funny Because We Saw These 5 Girls In A Taxi Cab Blasting "Move It" Rocking Out. So We Joined Them, And I Took A Picture. (:

Got To Go, Comment and Luvv!
Today Is A New Morning. (:
Welcome To Planet Clairee!
Please Place All Baggage On The Left or Right Of The Unicorn. :D
Okay, That Was Randomm. But It Was Very Entertaining. Anywhoo, Today Has Been A Splendid Day. Last Night, Alexis, Olivia, And I Had A Sleepover. It Was Fun! All We Really Did Was Draw, And Rock Out To Music.
On To A Different Subject, We Woke At 6:30am, When The Bird Begin To Sing :). The Reason Is That We Had Summer School. I Know What Your Thinking, "Summer School, Eww. That Must Be Horrible!". But Accutally, Summer School Is Really Fun! Also, One Of The Amazing Things About It Is That It Ends Tomorrow. (: (TeeHeHe).
Guess What? I'm Supper Excited Because My Bff Named Azriel Is Coming All The Way From New Orleans To Come And See US! Yeah I Know, It's Pretty Exciting. She's Coming Tomorrow Around 2:30ish. But Guess What? Were Throwing a Surprise Party For Her! I Can't Wait Till That Happeneds.
Got To Go, Post A.S.A.P.
Just Want To Fall Up Into The Sky...
Summer Has Been Treating Me Okay...I Guess.
For The Past Few Days, I Have Been Running A Small Fever (99.4). Yeah, It Sucks Having A Fever In The Summer. I Wish I Could Just Drink A Magical Potion And Be Cured. :D
Remember That Book I Was Writing? Well, I Was Thinking About Writing A New One, But Not About That Topic. I Was Thinking About Writing It In The School Year, Or Maybe At The End Of Summer. Hopefully That One Would Turn Out Pretty Good. (:
Excusee Me For The Short Post, I Have To Go Rest. :(
With Carelessness,
Claire. :)
Wow, A Flying Turtle
I'm just hanging at my house, talking with my besite from camp (Natalie *you rock Natalie!*) and Gracie. Sorry, I haven't been able to post, my schedule is so overloaded. All I have really been doing was going to summer school, chilling with my friends, and reading (a lot). But that really does take up most of my time.
Summers great for me so far. Hoping to go on another vacation :). < "Who Dosen't?!" Anywhoo, I just wanted to say that nothing much has been going on in my life. But, one (two) things happened. Two days after I came back from camp, I went to go see the Harry Potter 6! It was a pretty good movie. Tell Me what you thought about it! (If You saw it). And the second thing that happened was that I had my first funnel cake! Yeah, I know, that isn't that exciting, but it's better then nothing. :P
Well, I g2g.
Remember to eat two pounds of pickles every day. :S
Blind Puppies, (insider :P)
A Week Go By So Fast. (:
I'm Back From Camp! :)
I'm happy im back, but I do wish I could stay there another week. :(
Well, Camp was amazing (as usual)! I bunked with my besite Olivia, my sister Alexis, and two other awesome people named Katie and Natalie. And to tell you the truth, camp was so much better this year then last year.
This year we did a program called Set Sail. It's like learning how to sail, and it was actually much more fun then I thought it would be. We learned how to sail, and we sailed to the Swartswood State Park, (it was like 2 miles away). But the thing that sucked was that there was no wind what so ever, so we had to paddle the whole way. ):
At night, our tent always played truth or dare. And let me tell you some of the dares got really intense. One time my sister (Alexis) dared Olivia to wear her bra out of her shirt for the whole night (lmao, she got that one from Degrassi). And another time, I dared my sister (Alexis) to go into another tent and say "My Undies Are To Tight!". It was hilarious!
Well, got to jet.
Enjoy Your Sunday. ;)
With All Lovee,
The Sky Is As Blue As The Sea
How's your summer going so far?
Anyways I just came back from Ocean Grove a week ago. It was one of the best time I ever had (in Ocean Grove)! We stayed there for about 5 days, one of the longest stays. We stayed in a little house that we rented that was 3 houses away. Talk about small world ;). Anywhoo, we would wake up and go to the beach practically everyday. And suprisingly I didn't get sunburn, but I did get a little tan in my face. :)
Well, right now its about 9:10 in the morning (I usually don't get us this early (:) and I just finished packing for camp, that i have to go to at 11:30am. Yeah, i am pretty much a procrastinator. So, I am going to camp till Sunday (of next week). It's a Set Sail camp (so I can learn how to sail).
Whoops, I g2g make sure I have everything. Wish Me Luck! :)
With Worried Thoughts,
Claire :)
Rambling On and On...
Wow, summer is a-m-a-z-i-n-g so far.
Here are some (I guess interesting) things that have happened.
-Luau! (End-Of-Summer Partaay).
-Double Sleepover w/ my bestiee Gracie.
-(This one isn't that interesting, just sadd) the death of Billy Mays, Farrah Faucet, and the King of Pop Michael Jackson. :(
-Going to the Library every. single. day. (details latter :]).
Luau wass awesome! I know I know, some people are probably wondering "what are hell are you talking about???" just wait, then i might be able to answer that :). The "Luau" is a partay that my parents and I (and my sis :]) throw everyy year the day school ends. It wass so awesomee this year! (Almost) everyone in my class came, andd more! Lmao, the only thingg that stunk about the partay is that i had to invite the "Clique" to the partayy...so the whole time they put the chairs in a circle and talked. It was soo boring at first, but don't worry, we made it fun. XD
After that, Gracie and I had a double sleepover. (Go Mom's. XD). It wass awesomee! We made "You Belong w/ Me" music video (almost done...), saw the movie "My Sister's Keeper" and "Princess Protection Program", and more. As you can see, we had a bunch of funn.
Sadly, the "sex icon" Farrah Faucet, "King of Pop" Michael Jackson, and Billy Mays have died recentley. But it sort of creeps me out how 3 famous people have all died around the same time. I know the Michael Jackson is amazing, trust me, but 9 pages in the newspaper about hiim?!? Okay...
Yeah, I go to the library every day. Accually im there now :). Well, the reason i go there now, is cuz i got my computer taken away, FOREVER! Yeah, thats what i said. Wondering whyy? Well, my (evil) sister got me in trouble....and then the tumbling snowball...
So the only reason i come here is for the computers. Aren't I lovely?
Yeahh, im going on vacation. Leaving tomorrow morning to go to my friends place in Ocean Grove for 4th o' July. It's a long drive, but totally worth it. My Dad said we are going to try to stay there till Tuesday but I don't know.
G2g, my time for the library is running out (then you better go catch it :])!
Imm suchh a dork. XD
Mindlessly Pondering,
Cartwheeling Through Life...
As you can probably tell, i enjoy speaking in different languages.
Anywhoo, Woodstock was fun. Except for the fact that my Grandmother broke her pelvis bone...so she couldn't walk. But we tried to make the best of it. It was practically like any other visit to Woodstock, sauntering through the town, going to the wonderful Tinker Toy Shop, gulping down 32 ounce slushies, and playing nonstop Spider Solitaire on my Grandfathers computer. Yep.
I wish Gracie could of came with me. Then we could saunter through the town together....
I was texting her the whole time...but anyway.
Right now im at our public library. I practically read all of the books, so I decided to go on the computer and make this little blog post. X]
Sarcasticly Speaking,
The Magical Genna Is Here. :)
Hello! :)
Finally, schools over!
I'm sooo happy, I have been waiting for this moment for...ummm...idk, but it was for a while :). If you have noticed, imm super happy, so im going to put a bunch of smiley faces in this post, and the first person to tell me how many smileys gets...to win! lol.
I am really happy that school is over, but i'm going to miss all of my besties in my classroom. So, just sending a shoutout to all of my besties in my class! :)
Today in our school we had this awards ceremony thing...and happily I won some awards. :)
They are...
-Chorus Award
-Perfect Attendance (had it for my whole life). :)
-Peer Leadership
-Best Art Award
-And Perfect Attendance for the whole school year (3 years).
Yeah, I guess I did pretty good. :)
This weekend i might be going to go visit my dieing grandmother, wow, that sounds like fun! But, the thing that stinks is that i'm going to have to miss my friends birthday partay. :( But if you are wondering why I haven't posted, that is because i'm not going to be here. :)
Like my new blog name? :)
P.S. Love this sonngg..
Wonderful Sunshine.
Hyiia. :)
Rain rain go away.
Walking home was like a living hell. Man, it's raining cats and dogs. No, not really, but the rain is pouring down so hard I can hear it bouncing off my window. And im soked from the walk, thank god im back home. :)
School was okay I guess. Even though we had "Fun Day", it wasn't even close to being fun,(except for the free icecream part). :) Since it was pouring, we weren't able to go outside. So we just stayed inside playing mindless boardgames and stuff like that. Then, all you do is see me on the sidelines reading bookss...
I'm sooo excited for the last say of school tomorrow. I'm already planing my Summer To-Do List.
Summer To-Do List :)
1. Make New Friends
2. Read A Million Books (joking)
3. Go to Camp Hoover! (sailing camp)
4. Go to FireIsland with my friend Olivia.
5. Have 1 billion sleepovers with Gracie. :)
6. Eat Watermelon like there is no tomorrow.
7. Try not to get sun burn. :/
8. Pull 7 all-nighters (joking).
9. Go to the Library and put my nose in a billion of books. :)
10. Hang w./ my besties.
Thats only a few of the things I want to do....
Anywhoo, has anyone ever heard of the singer Lily Allen? Well, if you didn't click her name! That is her YouTube channel. Just to let you know, she is an amazing singer, but she sometimes curses... Check her out! :)
Enjoy the rest of your day!
With best thoughts,
All Goes In A Blur.
Hola Chicaz.
Sorry for not posting in a while, well, here is Boston!
Boston was awesome :). It was the best trip, EVER! We had so much fun, and we were without our parents. Double bonus :). Let me stop talking so I could till you about it...

Wednesday (First day at BeanTown XD).
4 Hour Bus Ride with 35 teenagers = CrAzY.
Yeah, that was a crazy ride to Boston. But it was awesome. We pictochatted (you know, DS), took funny videos, ate TONS of junk food, and watched movies. Oh, and I sat next to my BFF Angelina :).
First stop= Quincy Market. Wondering what that is? Well, it's sort of like a mall with a food court, but so much cooler. We ate pizza, and Boston pizza is really good :). Anyway, I just want to let you guys know that Boston has the cutest boys...and we counted XD. There was 64 of them. Yeah, we are a little pathetic XP. Anyway, our teacher is super-ooper nice, so she let us go shopping after we ate! So we walked around, went inside the Gap, American Eagle, Urban Outfitters, and more. But I didn't get much except for these awesome glasses I got at the Gap for $5.
Then, our tourguide met us up. Oh god, let me tell you one thing about her. She talks on, and on, and on. So on the bus, we just put on our sunglasses and fell asleep x]. He he. Then we went on the freedom trail. That was long, but soo interesting and informative. God, i'm sounding with my teacher.

Anyway... after hours of touring and walking, we went to go eat dinner...@ the Hard Rock cafe! Whoooo! I sat with my bff Angelina, Alexis, and for some reason Christan sat with us. Btw, that is the Hard Rock Cafe, it was beautiful! All of the rock icons, autographs of celebs, gosh it was amazing. The food was really good to :). I ordered a cheeseburger and soda, a normal...he he. After that, we went to our hotel. I figured out I was roomed with my friends Genna, Natalie, Ashley, and of course me. We got a the hotel around...10 pm ish. All we did for the rest of the night is party :).

After that, we got back on the bus and went to go eat at a restaurant called Joe Tecces ( I don't think I spelt it right..). It was pretty good, but the Hard Rock Cafe' was MUCH better.
After dinner, we had a pool partayy (lmao)! It was soo much fun! Mostly everyone went in, but SOME people were embarrassed with their bodies, so they didn't go in. But the annoying thing was that all of the boys were STARING at the girl with the low bikinis. And i'm not surprised. But besides that, the pool was warm, so it was okay.
Friday (Last Day At DreamLand :[ ).
Ahh, last day was nice, except for the fact that it RAINED THE WHOLE DAY! Sorry, I lost my cool (if I even had any). Well, we woke up, ate breakfast. Then, we went to the Mayflower II. Would of taking pictures, but they weren't allowed :[. Then we went to this Plymouth Plantation thing...it was accutally cool though. There were all of these people were in role-play, he he.
Then, we had to unfortunally leave Boston...
The 4 hour bus trip home was an interesting one. We saw Benchwarmers, and Twilight, caught up with amazing pictures, and read Teen Vouge the whole time. Wow, i still wish I could be there.
Over and Out,
Let it Shine
Sorry, i'm in a very supercalifragilisticexpealidocious mood today :D. Tomorrow is Boston. Hehe. I have been waiting for this day in such a long time. And guess what? I just finished packing.;) Well, i just want to tell you guys that i will TRY as hard as i can to post when i am in Boston, because my DSi gets Wi-Fi. But i most likely won`t. Tell you every little bitty detail when i get back. Farewell my fellow bloggers. Wish me luckk!
With Love,
p.s. Great job in the play Gracie! :D
Flying With The Rainbow Unicorns
Well, guess what? Right now i am posting, from my DSi! I have finally got it to work! He he. Well, right now I am sitting on my couch watching X-Men III. I haven't seen the new one so i have to watch this one first. lol.
I need some advice! Does anyone know any realy fun DS games? I am going to get a new games soon, but i don't know which one 2 get. So please type an awesome game in the box below. XD.
Wait! I just remembered something! I forgot to talk about the American Idol winner in my last post. Well, lets get one thing straight. I did not want Kris Allen to win. But he did do pretty good. lol, that last show was very interesting. Bikini girl, and Kara in a bikini singing. That was one interesting night. But i still believe that Adam should of won.
Wait! Since I am on my DSi, I can't upload vids. But I can send you the URL.
Well, watch it! It is Glee doing you are the one that I want. H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyJyKNcwlzA
Well g2g watch a movie.
Lucy In The Skies With Unicorns.
I am supper happy right now. I don't know why...but I just am. Well, I just woke up. One of the reasons I am super happy is because today I am getting a DSi! Yeah! And this time I am accually getting it with my own money. lol. Well, anyway, yesterday when my Dad picked us up in the car, we would wave to people and go "ello!". It was hilarious! lol.
This weekend I have to study for tests. >:P. Yeah, but than on Monday I have a Parade. Ughhh. Then I have to pack for boston on Monday because Boston is on Wednesday. Yeha, I am a little bit of a procrastinator...
Well, g2g watch videos about my DSi!
Wait! Before I go, I want to send a shoutout to my bestfriend Gracie. Today she is going to be in a play, and she is going to play a girl named Jill. I hope you do a wonderful job!
Enjoy this awesome music video!
P.S. Sorry for the short post!
Thats Weird In About 825.33 Different Ways.
Wait, now I sound like that (amazing) song by Beyonce. Well, happy Wednesday! Yes, there is a Happy Wednesday, well especially today. Because today is the American Idol finale! Yeahh! I can't wait 2 see who wins. Well, here is the past few days for ya...
Wow, that was one interesting day. It was D.A.R.E. graduation! WhoooO! Well, remember when I told you we had to make skits? Ours came out great! No one in our group messed up, and I am soo happy for that! Everyone else did awesome two. We got little goodies (in a goodie bag) for finishing D.A.R.E. Which included a yo-yo (cheapest thing, it already broke), a ruler, one of those rubber bracelet things that said D.A.R.E. on it of course, we got sweatbands, and other stuff you probabley don't want 2 hear about. Anyway, we got D.A.R.E. tee-shirts, and of course signed on the back of them. Mine looks like someone threw up on it XD. Wait, I forgot something. Lets backtrack a little...
Before the D.A.R.E. graduation, I went to the park with my friends Kj, Mia, Alexis, and Eli. We had funn! Eli and I threw sticks at each other, funny huh? Then, we went on the swings for about an hour...fun right?
Remember when I told you that we won the Panasonic contest? And remember when I told you we were going 2 go to my teacher's sister's restaurant? It didn't really work out...so we went to Houlihans! I ordered a Brentwood Chicken Sandwich...and a Shirley temple..yummy! Well, you know how they say if you put a cherry stem in your mouth and tie it into a knot, your a good kisser? Well, I did it twice, so I guess i'm a great kisser (?). lol.
After that, we went to my friends house. We had dinner and watched American Idol. Omg! Wow, this com. is tough! Yeah, I know that there is only 2 people, but they rock! After American Idol, Glee finally came on! Sorry if you don't know what I am talking about, but it is this h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s new show on Fox. Watch it. Love it.
Wednesday (today).
Well, today was sort of regular. Besides the fact that the class toured the school we are going to next year! I am sort of scared..but the school is pretty cool. I sort of don't want to go next year, but then I sort of do....
Now, I am watching American Idol, wishing Adam Lambert will win. I am super nervous because this site says that Kris Allen won, because last year they did analzzee stuff and they were right. But you should never trust a website. So i'm not sure. Right now Keith Urban and Kris Allen are playing, so they will probably announce the winner at the end of the show.
Well, g2g watch!
Cows All Over My Pajama Pants.
Yeah, there really are cows all over my pajama pants. Anyway, remember that camping trip that I told you about? Well, it was amazing! The Girl Scout troop came and we had so much fun. Except for one horrendous thing. We didn't get to go real camping. Confused? Let me explain.
Well, it has been raining like crazy. So the place got rained out :(. Yeah, it sucks. So Olivia, Alexis, and I set up a 9 person tent in her small backyard. Even though the tent was small, we had a blast. Can you take a guess how many hours we slept? Well, about...2 hours. Yeah. We watched movies, had a dance party (yeah, in a tent), made smores, and more! That night reminded me of a quote..
"A true friend is someone who thinks you're a good egg even though he knows you're slightly cracked".
When we woke up (after 2 hours of sleep), all of the Girl Scouts left. Except Olivia, Alexia, and I left. We spent that whole day playing and making things in the tent. We made these really funny sock things. There like sock monkeys. Of course, Alexis came out with the best one. Olivia's...well lets just say the tail was bigger then the body. So Alexis made her a new one. Mine came out really weird, so I named it Driew, prono. Which is "weird" backwards. So original...lol.
Then, a double sleepover came. Yippie! That one, we actually slept for 7 hours. And here we are. Well, remember when I told you that we didn't get to go camping? Well, we got our money back, and our Girl Scout leader told us we could use the money for something else. So we decided that we could all see a Taylor Swift concert! But it is not definite yet. It will be very hard to get tickets to, but we will try.
Well, enjoy Sunday!
A Good Friend Will Know How You Take Your Coffee.
Wait, I don't even LIKE coffee? Lets change the subject. Testing give me headaches, ugh. Today we started MATH! It was totally easy. I totally passed flying colors! The worst...I personally enjoy language. (Sorry to all the Math lovers out there!) The lang tests are pretty long though. It goes to 8:30 am to 11:30 am! But luckly we got breaks! I haven't been writing my book...I don't know why. I have to finish!!! I haven't even written the 2nd chapter. Also, if anyone wants to give me some idea that could happen in the book, write it in the awesome comment box below. Hopefully, i'll finish it by today...
Guess what? Well, you probably can't guess what I am going to say, but I will tell you anyway. My girlscout troop is going camping on Friday! We are going to a site called "Camp Taylor". I think we will be staying until Sunday, I am not sure. But yesterday when we had our Girl Scout troop meeting, we set up all of the tents to make sure we had all of the parts. And of course we did :). So we dragged one of the tents in front of Olivia's house (2 houses away) and we just stayed in there and did funn stuff! We brought the radio, and we were with one my besties Rayna. Oh, and I forgot to say that when we were walking home, Mia, Alexis, and I picked up these awesome little catapillar things on the ground! They were sooo cute! I got the fattest one...so I called it Sid. Idk why :?. We had funnn.
Did anyone watch American Idol? It is getting really good! Right now Adam Lambert, Danny Gokey, and Kris Allen are still in the competition. Tonight I hope Kris Allen gets out...sorry to all the Kris lovers. Here is the order of the winners for me...
- Adam Lambert 1st
- Danny Gokey 2nd
- Kris Allen 3rd
Oh, I know I am asking a stupid question...but what is tagging? Yeah, I know. But I still don't know what it is and it's getting me angry...X[. What is it? Please type it in the magical box down there. Man, today I gotz a lot of questions!
I don't know if I told you peoplez, but there was this supppperrr cute bag @ Claire's one day. I was gonna get it, but it was $20 and I didn't have the money. Well, Gracie knows how much I LOVE the bag, that she did a internet drawing thingee of it 4 me! Here it is..

Isn't it good? Well, today I am going to my Dad's house, then I will still be talking to Gracie. Bye!
I'm A Sucker...
“Just wait one second! I’m almost done!” I yell back down to her. Great, another year of school. Just what I need right? One of the hardest things about going back to school is of course, what you are going to wear. I have been up here for 10 minutes trying to find an outfit. Oh well, don’t want to be late, so I grab my tote, and head for the stair case.
“What took you so long?” Riley says as soon as she sees me.
“Couldn’t find an outfit, so I just threw this on. Do I look ok?” I respond.
“Yeah you look great.” Riley says. “Now can we please go? I want to get my schedule ahead of time so I could get my new locker ready”.
“Yeah, let’s go”.
The Clique girls give me a headache. They always look super cute in preppy pink outfits with there Marc Jacob handbags. Sometimes I just wish I could be apart of the Clique. You know nice outfits, the highest in the food chain, and being popular.
But then I realize I like my life the way it is. I love hanging out in the bedroom rocking out to Paramore and doodling in my notebook. I love being with my best friend Riley and going nuts like we usually do.
“Were going to be later for zero period!” Riley says out of nowhere.
“Um, Riley, you can’t be late for zero period”.
“Yeah, I know. I just want to get a table before anyone else does. Come on.”
Riley and I catch a table near the trash cans. Oh well, at least we won’t have to sit on the ground. I pull out my iPod and my notebook and listen to “That’s Not My Name” by the Ting Tings, and just write. I start to write a poem, but then I crumple up the paper and throw it in the trash can.
“Ring RING”! The bell rings, time to go to class.
You Tube Fanatic
Ello British Buddies.
Anyway, Hello! Sorry, I don’t know what is with the British thing.Right now I am just chilling. I might do nothing this weekend. I don’t know. The thing that is interesting is that I am at my Dad’s house on Mother’s Day weekend. My Dad says that he will drop me off for Mother’s day on Sunday. So yeah. I am sooo bored right now. Just talking to Gracie on Skype. Listening to “Right Round” and “Fences” is my ideal Dad’s weekend.
Today my hair was different. I know it’s random. But something was weird about my hair today. It was like, wavyish and straight at the same time. So I put it in a bun. Then, like 4 hours later, I took my bun out and my hair looked really cool. Everyone kept on complementing me. Lol. I felt pretty good. Now, it is normalish. I should put my hair in buns more often ;).
Sorry for talking to you about my hair. Anyway, tomorrow I might go to my friend Samantha and Isabelle’s house. So I might not post tomorrow. Just wanted to tell you!Wow, I just noticed, but I have been getting a lot of comments in my posts! Lol. I used to get like, 2 comments in like each post. But now I get like 5! Wow! Lol. Thank you sooo much for commenting people! lol. =]
G2g bye!
Tomorrow is A New Day.
Anyway, days have been compelling.
And boring. Well, do you remember that Panasonic video that I told you that I did? If you didn't, sorry. But this is great for me! Today, we found out that *drum roll please...*
We Won The Panasonic Contest! Best Video In The Country!
Yes, our class one. But we don't get anything. The Panasonic company used to send all of the children that one to a very resplendent restaurant, but with the darn economy they can't afford it. So my teacher is bringing us to one of her sisters restaurants. So yeah.
Last (but defiantly not least) we go to BOSTON! Yeah, Boston. I can't wait! We are staying at the Sharton Braintree hotel. I searched it on the computer this morning and many people gave it five stars! I have sooo much things to bring. Even though we are only staying for 3 days....anyway. We are taking a bus ride there. A 4 hour bus ride! The whole time I am going to be sitting with (one of) my best friends Angelina watching movies (twilight) on my dad's iPod touch. So yeah.
Black Dress w/ the Tights Underneth. XP
Wow, weekend goes by fast, all in a blur.
Anyway, the Music and Arts festival was awesome! Tell you about my whole weekend, coming up in a few short moments...
Friday: Wow, great day. I slept over Gracie with a couple of my buds. Olivia, Alexis, Kree, Gracie, and I had a blast. 7pm (kree wasn't here yet =[) we walked to Blockbuster. But after 5 minutes of walking in the poring RAIN, Gracie called a cab. lol, anyway. We crammed into the back seat, and went to Blockbuster. We were going to go get this really good movie called "The Cake Eaters" with Kristen Stewert. But it was rated R. Ugh..so we got Bride Wars. Well, we got home, put on our warm pjs, and started watching Bride Wars. Kree came during the movie. Then for the rest of the night, we ate Luigis italian ice and watching "The Landlord".

Saturday: Saturday was a blast! Woke up, we ate. We tried on makeup, different outfits, ugh. lol. Then, we walked around town, had fun. Went to Panera, prank called a couple of peoplee. Moved on. Went to a flea market. We went to this store with Webkinz in it. I don't like them, but I saw the Zebra! It is super cute.

Went back to Gracies. Ate so much junk food we probably would have gotten at least 5 cavaties. Watched Juno. Went home. what a day....
Sunday: Music and Art's festival! Tons of fun. We walked around the town. Had a blast! lol. A lot of the stuff was super cute, but the darn economy made everything soooo expensive! So after walking around the thing for an hour, we went inside this new bakery by the parade called "Crumbs". Gracie and I split a wonderful vanilla cupcake with sprinkles. Am I making your mouth water? lol. Well, here is a picture to make you more hungry... XD.

After that, we just walked to CVS and got some Air Heads. Yeah, I think im addicted. After, we walked to Barnes and Noble. There, we didn't buy any thing, but we looked through magazines and through those "little miss" books.

Best weekend ever! lol.
Sleepover fun!
Anyway, just letting you guys know that I am @ Gracie's house having a sleepover with Kree, Olivia, Alexis, Gracie, and I! We just had one last night. Hopefully, we could have another one 2nite.
We just came back from shopping around Gracie's town. I got some...
- Vitiman water (best drink ever).
- Really cute bangles.
- A Kipling bag @ a flea market for $5. Yeah, FIVE DOLLARS!
- And a free comic book!
Yeah, and the fun continues. We might go to this festival in Gracie's town tomorrow. It's called the Music and Arts festival. I can't wait! I go every year and it is sooo much fun! Well, I will try to keep you guys updated. My computer at my mom's house dosen't work, so yeah.
Have a great day!
Be Careful What You Wish For...
lol. Hyiia. I don't get the title thing either. Anyway...
Sorry for not posting...my stupid wireless doesn't work. Ugh. More stress in my life is all I need. First of all, I HAVE to get 1st honors this marking period because my mom said she would get me a dog! I real living DOG! You know, a walking living breathing pooping (eww) dog! I am soo happy. MUST STUDY! That is also one of the reasons I am not on the computer so much 2.
Im depressed because my bff Gracie is moving. No, she is not moving far away. Actually, her dad was just moving. Well, hopefully we will still b bffs! Love ya Gracie!
umm...watching lie to me. Pretty much bored. O, this Lie 2 Me is really interesting...lol. Well, yeah. I can't wait till American Idol! I have a feeling that Adam Lambert will win. Hopefully he will...
Um..bored out of my head so I am going to wrap up the post.
Put a Banana In You Ear!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Grounded, and my wireless wasn't working...but I am at my dad's house where he has perfect wireless! lol. Anyways, like the title? Put a Banana In You Ear! lol. If you don't know where that is from, you are NOT a true You Tuberer. (?). I am going to tell you anyway. Charlie the Unicorn! WhhoooO! Watch them, love them.
Speaking about the world, today is hug a tree day! Did you hug a tree?
Things on my mind...
- Tests Tests Tests!
- Maybe sleepover with Gracie next weekend...
- Cookies. XD
- A book I am writing...maybe...(?)
Peaceful sort of cold Woodstock.
Right now I am at my favorite breakfast place chillin. I am superdooper happy cuz this is the only place in woodstock where I really get wi fi. Sorry I haven't posted sooner. Btw, this is going to b a really short post cuz it is not the easiest thing to do. Anyways, Woodstock has been beautiful! All I see are trees and wonderful nature. I have been here with my friends samantha and belle since Monday night. Speaking about the night, every night here we have been watching movies on my little computer. We watched phantom of the opera, she's the man, and last night we watched tuck ever lasting. I love that movie! Lol, anyways, it is really cool because everyday we go down to the stream in front of my grandparents house. Yesterday my friends and I walked around the little town of Woodstock. I got..
- tiedye shoe laces for my black converse.
- awesome pink scarf.
- mini ugly doll ox for my backpack.
- yummy candy.
And I think that's about it. Whoops, I g2g. The food is here! Bye!
Easter Sunday...Spring yippie!
Happy Easter! My weekend was wonderful...I visited my friends gianna and anthony's house. We had so much fun! This morning I just got a big chocolate egg and some peeps. I just want to let u guys know that if you see any typos, I'm sorry cuz I am posting on my dads iPod touch. So yeah. Well right now it is pretty late...Around 12 at night. Wow, I accually thnk I'm string tired.
The sleepover was fun! As we stayed up late making funny movies. We fell asleep at 3ish. And no, we forgot to snag popcorn! Poopy. Today I just went to my moms boyfriends house and ate there. I got to go to bed now, add to the post tomorrow.
Very Very Random Sleepovers in My Pink Room
Right now it is about 3 o'clock in the morning! Gracie is @ my house right now! Anyway, we made some really funny videos and stuff. We made a 10 minute long movie called "Zoey Daze and The Quest of the Magical Converse"! I know I know, it sounds it really stupid...but it is sooo funny! Seriously, it is really good. Anyway, we made this one video...and it has all of these different songs! It is sooo funny 2. In the song "No Air" we made it look like we were choking! And during "Love Story" we got a Barbie and a Ken doll riding on a horse. We did...
- About A Girl
- Untouched
- No Air
- Love Story
- Wake Me Up Before you Go Go
- La La Land
- Don't Forget
- 4 Minutes
Today in school was boring, except for the fact that it was a half-day! Today is the day we start Spring Break ♥! I might not post a lot...idk. I am going to be at my friend's houses all weekend, so yeah.
Omg! I forgot to tell you something really important! In school, we have to do thing project thing where we have to make 2 eggs and we ahve to take care of them for 2 weeks! This is going to be interesting...anyway here are my two eggs!

The one on the left with the pink diaper is Nicole and the one in the orange diaper is Delilah. Pretty huh? lol.
Well, Gracie and I got to go snag popcorn, so g2g, bye!
-C L A ii R 3
Here We Come!
Whats up? Wondering about the title? Well, I will tell you about that in uno memento (?). Today was pretty boring. We didn't do anything in school really. I forgot to tell you guys that I have spring break starting Thursday (half day). So, I am (sadly) still in school. One interesting thing I did 2day in school was...oh yeah! I went to the Garden Club! It was sort of fun today...but there is this really strange guy that like me was there....so yeah....
- Air Heads! (they rock)
- Awesome eye liner
- A Coolatta
- Black Nail Polish

lol. We had a pretty good time.....
I hope you enjoyed!
Well, I have to go finish my homwork. Bye bye chicas!