

Hai! Sorry I haven't posted soon enough. Today was an interesting day. lol. Well, today I went to this debate thing @ my high school. It was pretty boring though. lol. Except this one part...they were debating about Global Warming! And this one (pretty stupid) guy was oppose the subject and he was like "Who cares if the Polar Bears die, it doesn't mean we will"? And like EVERYONE in our class was like " I DO"! Stupid people don't know what they are saying anymore....


Anyways, besides that school wasn't so exciting. WAIT! You know the book the Outsiders? Well, if you don't, get in your car and drive to Barnes and Noble! Anyway...we are reading it in school. Accually, we read it in school. We just finished watching the movie today in our classroom. It is like, the saddest movie in the history of the Earth! Well, my friends starting balling their eyes out at the end! It was so funny cuz one of my friends was really emotional....


Yesterday school was boring...again. After school I just came home. But that is when things got interesting. Olivia came over so we could do our homework together. It was actually pretty hectic. lol. We pretty much went crazy and my sister, her, and I made a very strange video. lol. We pretty much got 1 thing for homework done. While my sister and Olivia were going nutz, I was talking to Gracie on Skype and listened to the Academy Is...IM NOT IN LOVE! THIS IS NOT MY HEART! lol. Sorry for the randomness...


Sleepovers...I love them. I might have one with my bestie Gracie! I hope we have a great time!

G2g now...bye!


  1. ha ha! Save the polar bears!!!! stupid people...

    Actually, I haven't read the Outsiders yet. I will though. Thanks for the suggestion!

    The Academy Is kicks ass like black nails!


  2. I know!
    Good, read the outsiders...
    The Academy Is does.
    It is true. I Still have my nails!

  3. I la-la-la-loved your comment on my blog. :)

    I remember reading The Outsiders at my school as well, but it was a snowday when we were supposed to watch the movie! :(

    The Academy is.. is amazing! :D
    And as for the polar bear comment.. *horrified face*


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